The wider curriculum
Art and design
Our curriculum includes practical experiences which help children explore art materials and techniques to develop skills. Each year children will be involved in a range of art and design activities including observational drawing, painting, pastel work, printing, textiles, clay modelling and 3D construction work. Many of these skills are developed through activities in our wonderful grounds. Children will be helped to develop their knowledge of art forms from different periods and cultures and study different artists’ work to inspire and influence their own pieces of art and design.
We firmly believe that computing is a vital life skill. We aim to equip our children with the necessary skills for their future years in an increasingly technological world. The children have access to laptops and touch screen keyboard tablets. This enables computing lessons to take place in the classroom whilst also facilitating the children’s use of IT at almost any time for any learning across the curriculum. Every classroom has an interactive touch screen monitor to support teaching and learning. We have a range of other equipment that is available e.g. iPads, webcams, digital cameras and video cameras. As part of the computing curriculum, the children are also taught how to stay safe when using the internet.
Design and technology
Skills in design and technology are developed through ‘hands on’ tasks/projects. Children establish a design brief, gather ideas and complete a series of focused practical tasks in order to give them the necessary skills/knowledge to complete their project. This includes a final evaluation of the finished product, when children think about what worked well and what could be changed. Children engage in projects that involve food technology, textiles, mechanisms, electricity, structures and materials. Cross-curricular links are encouraged to ensure that learning is relevant and meaningful.
Our geography curriculum aims to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people, together with an understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. Pupils develop their mapping skills and geographical knowledge through studies of the local area, Europe and the wider world. Geography is linked, wherever possible, with other curriculum areas, notably science. We use a variety of approaches including use of our school grounds, field trips and visits.
When teaching history, artefacts, museum visits and themed days are used to bring the past to life. Throughout the early years foundation stage and key stage 1, children develop a sense of the past and chronology by explaining changes in their own lives and the lives of their family. They will also listen to stories and learn about significant events and famous people. During key stage 2 the children will be given the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of the subject through studies of local, British, European and world history.
Modern foreign languages (MFL)
In key stage 2, the children begin to learn some basic French as a modern foreign language. The learning of a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for the pupils. Pupils develop communication and literacy skills that lay the foundation for future language learning.
Music is an important part of our school curriculum. We use Charanga, a music teaching and learning platform, to ensure that we are delivering a well-sequenced music curriculum. The children are involved in many activities, including listening and responding to music from a variety of cultures and periods, playing instruments, singing, writing and performing their own compositions. Children have the opportunity to work individually, in groups, or as a class within a wide range of activities in their classrooms, the studio hall and outdoors.
Peripatetic music teachers attend school each week giving children the opportunity to learn brass, woodwind, stringed instruments or keyboard. There is a charge for this tuition. Please let us know if you wish your child to be included.
Physical education
Physical education plays a vitally important part in each child’s development. The key areas of games, dance, gymnastics and athletics, are taught throughout the year, with children taking part in some form of physical activity every day. The emphasis in all lessons is the acquisition of skills and the improvement of performance. Healthy competition is encouraged, particularly as the children develop their ability to take part in competitive games. The school participates in a number of inter-school sports: football, netball, rounders, cross-country, athletics and cricket are all played competitively against other schools in the area.
In the summer, a traditional sports day is held which includes races such as egg and spoon, sack and obstacle. This is an occasion enjoyed by the whole school community with the children being cheered down the track by a large crowd of enthusiastic children, family and friends. Facilities for physical education in the school are very good; there is a large sports field, two playgrounds, a large hall for indoor activities and a studio hall for class dance lessons.
See how we use our sport premium funding to enhance the provision of physical education and sport in our school.
Personal, social, health and economic education
Our PSHE education programme, equips pupils with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps them to develop a sound understanding of how to stay healthy and safe as well as the skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. Our PSHE programme also underpins our core school values of care, collaboration, attitude, respect and equality.
We have a focus on three core themes: relationships, living in the wider world, and health and wellbeing. These themes include the following topics:
- Families and friendships
- Safe relationships
- Respecting ourselves and others
- Belonging to a community
- Media literacy and digital resilience
- Money and work
- Physical health and mental wellbeing
- Growing and changing
- Keeping safe
Religious education
Religious education is taught based on the Lincolnshire Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.
Our principle aims are to help children to grow in awareness and responsibility, whilst developing an appreciation of the needs, customs and beliefs of others in order to assist them in the formation and expression of their own ideas and belief. Children also engage in assemblies, discussion and reflection. These take place as a whole school, as a key stage and in class.